Character Design

Anything can be art, but in many ways I view the leading edge of art to be the ability to completely make something up out of your head and render it in a realistic way. Of course, I like a lot of other art too but concept art is something I think of as exceeding realism. I’m not much of a character artist but I’ve been working in that arena a little bit to learn some new tools like Z-brush, Substance Painter and Marmoset Toolbag. Here are some things I’ve made.

What I am trying to showcase here is the ability to make ANYTHING completely from scratch, texture, light and photograph it as if it exists in front of me to use in a tattoo or for whatever artistic use I can find. Additionally I can keep all of these little pets for future use whether by re-texturing and lighting for a completely different final product and I can even slice them up to mix and match. Some of this is of course not really tattoo subject matter, but hopefully as I get more up it will really open up ideas as to what is possible.